Exhibition : Porn-in-Art Museum in Edi’s Weinstube, Zürich

Draw me Like One of your French Boys had the chance to be exhibited for the first time in Zürich, thanks to the Porn-in-Art Museum in the Gallery-wine bar « Edi’s Weinstube », from the 9th of February until the 3rd of April 2024.

22 framed original artworks were shown this time, from A4 format to a 40x50cm piece, all made with live models from around the world.


« The Museum of Porn in Art exists since 2004, and has been organizing exhibitions  in a winestore called Edi’s Weinstube, situated in the heart of Zurich. Every month or so an open-minded audience gets spoiled with great contemporary porno-erotic art from young international artist.

Edi’s Weinstube is probably the only gallery europe-wide, that combines grape juice and erotic art. »


